Daily Devotions with Jesus Devotional Books and Podcast

Daily Devotions with Jesus helps you dive deep into the Bible, grow spiritually, and apply the Bible to everyday life.

Podcast Links

All podcast links in one place: https://linktr.ee/dailydevotions

Devotional landing page: https://grahamjosephhill.com/devotions

Devotional books: https://grahamjosephhill.com/devotional-books

Bible reading plan: https://grahamjosephhill.com/biblereadingplan


The Daily Devotions with Jesus podcast offers a wide range of engaging and beneficial features:

 1. Daily Episodes: Each episode, lasting around 10 minutes, focuses on a specific Bible chapter or set of verses. Each episode offers a devotion designed to enrich your spiritual life.

2. Covering the Whole Bible: The episodes move through the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation.

3. Guided Prayers: Each episode offers a prayer tailored to the day’s Bible reading, encouraging spiritual growth and personal reflection.

4. Flexible Pace: The podcast offers relaxed and flexible pacing, allowing you to delve deeper into each chapter or set of verses.

5. Devotional Books: You can also get the devotional books accompanying this podcast, which are excellent for individual and group study. See https://grahamjosephhill.com/books

6. Bible Reading Plan: You can follow the Bible Reading Plan at https://grahamjosephhill.com/biblereadingplan

7. Listening Options: To listen on various podcasting platforms, see https://linktr.ee/dailydevotions

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