Bible & Theology

‘Hide This in Your Heart’ Resources

‘Hide This in Your Heart’ Resources

“Hide This in Your Heart” Resources (sermon, webinar, book sample, and seminar). Join Graham Joseph Hill and Michael Frost as they unpack the importance of Scripture memory and how you can sustainably create this life-giving habit. This webpage includes a sermon, webinar, book sample, and seminar to go with the book by Graham Joseph Hill and Michael Frost. “Hide This in Your Heart: Memorizing Scripture for Kingdom Impact.” NavPress, 2020.

Living in the power and presence of Immanuel (Matthew 1)

Living in the power and presence of Immanuel (Matthew 1)

Living in the power and presence of Immanuel (Matthew 1) ‘So God throws open the door of this world—and enters as a baby. As the most vulnerable imaginable. Because he wants unimaginable intimacy with you. What religion ever had a god that wanted such intimacy with us...



耶稣回答说:“你们错了,因为你们不明白经上的话,也不明白神的大能。”(马太福音22:29)。在我对耶稣基督进行的门徒训练中,圣灵的洗礼是一种决定性的体验。我记得有一天晚上,当时,我十六岁,我是一个很容易生气,受伤和没有安全感的人。我刚刚参加过五旬节礼拜仪式并回应了牧师接受圣灵洗礼的邀请。当牧师祷告时,什么事都没有发生在我身上。那天晚上,我独自一人在自己的房间里,我向上帝呼求他的存在。在午夜时分,我以强烈而压倒性的方式体验了灵性的力量和存在。不是“说方言” 给我留下了深刻的印象–...




全球教会 :向主体世界,原居民和侨民基督徒学习

全球教会 :向主体世界,原居民和侨民基督徒学习

主体世界(英文是Majority World, 以下我会对主体世界的定义给一个详细的解释),原居民和侨民组成的教会正在为二十一世纪的基督教重新下一个定义。我们这些西方基督徒必须决定我们如何回应这种转变。主体世界,原居民和侨民组成的教会正在重新定义21世纪的基督教。Stephen Bevans写道,我们现在生活在一个“世界教会” 中,绝大多数基督徒都是[来自多数世界]。大卫巴雷特(David Barrett) 的统计研究证实了这一转变,菲利普詹金斯(Philip Jenkins)...

How to read the Bible and hear God’s voice

How to read the Bible and hear God’s voice

I love reading. And being a parent of three daughters has further convinced me of the value of reading. When my girls were little, my favorite time of the day was reading time with them, just before they went to bed. In the mid 1990s I discovered the art of "spiritual...

Where is God when it hurts? Why does God allow suffering?

Where is God when it hurts? Why does God allow suffering?

“We were promised sufferings. They were part of the program. We were even told, ‘Blessed are they that mourn,’ and I accept it. I’ve got nothing that I hadn’t bargained for. Of course it is different when the thing happens to oneself, not to others, and in reality,...

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