To take head on oppressive structures like consumerism, militarism, multinational capitalism, international communism, racism, and sexism, we need a spirituality of missional engagement… Mission without spirituality cannot survive any more than combustion without...
Culture & Society
Is Your Church Structured for Mission?
I grew up suspicious of structures. For me, institutions and organizations symbolized much that was wrong with the world. Sometimes, I speculate on the source of this suspicion. How did it take root in my life? I came from a working-class background that...
We can’t ignore the sexism & racism shown in the 2016 Presidential Election
Let me make this clear: I respect the democratic processes and systems in the United States. I hope that President-elect Donald Trump will make a good President. I hope that he’ll renounce many of the divisive things he has said, and work hard to bring unity,...
Christians at the Border: A Review by Madison April Hill
M. Daniel Carroll R.’s Christians at the Border: Immigration, the Church, & the Bible is a powerful book that offers readers a view of immigration from a Christian perspective. The book aims to challenge how Christians feel about the issue from a biblical...
Abandoning a Diseased Christian Social Imagination
“I want Christians to recognize the grotesque nature of a social performance of Christianity that imagines Christian identity floating above land, landscape, animals, place, and space, leaving such realities to the machinations of capitalistic calculations and the...
Light in the darkness, and the renewal of all creation (Matthew 2)
Light in the darkness, and the renewal of all creation (Matthew 2) ‘In Christ, a new world is being born and the new creation is unfurling all around us. God is directing history toward the future restoration, repair, and renewal of all creation. And our job is to...
12 gifts we can give others on social media all year round
Here are 12 gifts we can give others on social media all year round.1. Highlight someone else’s achievement, milestone, or success.2. Recommend books, podcasts, or resources that have enriched your life.3. Respond respectfully and graciously to criticism and when...
Navigating the Landscape of Belief: A Guide to Charles Taylor’s ‘A Secular Age’
Charles Taylor’s “A Secular Age” is a landmark book in the philosophy of religion. It explores how Western societies transitioned from an age of almost universal belief in God to an era where faith is just one option among many. However, the book’s depth and breadth...
Why Australian Christians Should Support an Indigenous Voice to Parliament
Aunty Jean Phillips grew up when Aboriginal people were not allowed to vote or have a say in decisions that affected their lives. She experienced firsthand the effects of colonialism and the systemic discrimination faced by Indigenous Australians. Despite this, she...
Grace Over Grit: Responding to Online Jerks and Bullies
In our increasingly digitized world, the nature of discourse has shifted dramatically, often for the worse. The rise of argumentative, narcissistic social media agitators is a significant development—one that carries with it troubling implications for our communal...
A Prayer for Peace
Lord Jesus, lead us, together, to your cross. The cross is the way of the lost. The cross is the support for those who stumble. The cross is the guide of the blind. The cross is the strength of the weak. The cross is the hope of the hopeless. The cross is the freedom...
Miroslav Volf: Witnessing through Soft Difference
Miroslav Volf often theologizes about the relationship between gospel, church, mission, and culture. His theology has implications for us as we seek to develop a missional understanding of the church. For Miroslav Volf, the question of how the church and the gospel...