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160+ Australian and New Zealander Women in Theology You Should Know
By Graham Joseph Hill and Jen Barker Women have played significant roles in ministry and leadership throughout the church’s history and the Bible’s pages. Today, women make up more than half the church and do much of the mission, ministry, and discipleship in the...
7 Inspiring Women: Ruth Padilla DeBorst
In this series of posts, we’re looking at 7 inspiring women – passionate, courageous, prophetic women, who inspire us to think deeply, act courageously, embrace others, and bring hope to the world. In this entry, we look at some of the challenges offered by Ruth...
John McKittrick, A Servant of Jesus Christ: An Autobiography
My great-grandfather, John McKittrick, was born in Glasgow, Scotland, on 17 March 1903. In August 1924, he immigrated to Australia, coming to faith in Jesus Christ during the sea voyage from Glasgow to Sydney. In 1933, he made a commitment to serve with Sydney City...
12 Maneras de ser un verdadero evangélico.
"Evangélico. Usted sigue utilizando esa palabra. No creo que signifique lo que usted piensa que significa.", La Princesa Prometida, sobre el uso que hace Vizzini de la palabra "evangélico". Soy un evangélico. Yo amo las cosas a las que el evangélico se...
12 Essential Qualities for Christian Spirituality & Theology in a New Urban World
To take head on oppressive structures like consumerism, militarism, multinational capitalism, international communism, racism, and sexism, we need a spirituality of missional engagement… Mission without spirituality cannot survive any more than combustion without...
8 ways to love the church (Colossians 1:3 to 2:5)
Over the last few decades, criticisms of the church have become commonplace. Scores of books and blogs unpack the failings of the church. There’s truth in many of these criticisms and concerns. The church gains nothing by burying its head in the sand. Our hope is in...
Is Your Church Structured for Mission?
I grew up suspicious of structures. For me, institutions and organizations symbolized much that was wrong with the world. Sometimes, I speculate on the source of this suspicion. How did it take root in my life? I came from a working-class background that...
We can’t ignore the sexism & racism shown in the 2016 Presidential Election
Let me make this clear: I respect the democratic processes and systems in the United States. I hope that President-elect Donald Trump will make a good President. I hope that he’ll renounce many of the divisive things he has said, and work hard to bring unity,...
Women Theologians of World Christianity
Series Editor: Graham Joseph Hill Article Authors: Jocabed Solano, Drew Jennings-Grisham, Stephanie A. Lowery, Emmanuella Carter, Juliany González Nieves, Grace Al-Zoughbi Arteen, Jessie Giyou Kim, Jen Barker, and Celucien L. Joseph. Cuban theologian Ada María...
15 reasons why you should go to Bible and theological college
I chose to go to Bible and theological college in my late twenties. (In Australia, we tend to call seminaries theological colleges). I’d spent close to 10 years serving with a church planting team and felt that I needed further equipping for ministry. I also wanted to...
Christians at the Border: A Review by Madison April Hill
M. Daniel Carroll R.’s Christians at the Border: Immigration, the Church, & the Bible is a powerful book that offers readers a view of immigration from a Christian perspective. The book aims to challenge how Christians feel about the issue from a biblical...
How struggles with mental health and addictions can help us be the church
The church needs to get better at talking about mental health issues (including depression, bipolar, and anxiety) and about addictions (including alcohol, drugs, pornography, gambling, work, and sexual). And we need spaces where Christian leaders, pastors, and...
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